Westroyd Governing Body
The Governing body members are elected or chosen from a number of different groups to govern the school in conjunction with the Head Teacher.
The governing body currently consists of parent governors, which are formally elected through a ballot of parents unless the election is uncontested. One LEA governor who is recommended by the Leeds Authority and approved by the governing body. One staff governor, who are formally elected by staff employed at the school. The co-opted governors are nominated and appointed by the governing body and the Headteacher.
The role of the governing body is similar to that of a board of directors, except it is a voluntary group. The governing body work closely with the Headteacher and play an important role in the development, ethos and achievement of the school. The governing body is responsible for overseeing many of the strategic decisions that are made in school, although the day to day management and running of the school is the responsibility of the Headteacher and the senior leadership team.
The full governing body meet four times a year and all the meetings are clerked by a trained professional clerk. There are also two committees within the governing body these are the:
Teaching and Learning & Pupil Support committee- Who are responsible for teaching and learning matters, eg teaching and learning curriculum provision, target setting, standards and also SEN. They are also responsible for behaviour, safeguarding, attendance, spiritual and cultural development, cluster and other partnerships.
Resources Committee - Who are responsible for staffing, finance, property management and health and safety standards. The resources committee are also responsible for ensuring the implementation of the school pay policy and teacher appraisal policy.
Information for Parent Governors
No special qualifications are needed to become a Parent Governor other than a commitment to the School and some spare time. The work of the governing body is to participate positively in the running of the School.
Parent Governors serve, a four year term of office irrespective of whether their child leaves the School during this time. (Parent governors may of course resign at any time during their term of office).
Leeds City Council Children's Services offers training and support for governors so no parent should feel deterred from putting themselves forward as a School governor should a vacancy arise.
Please note that elected Governors will be asked to complete a Criminal Records Bureau disclosure form to check on their eligibility to serve as a Governor.