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We are the Westroyd Primary School and Nursery Governors.  We all take an active part in looking after the school and nursery and are very proud of the children and staff.  We not only attend meetings, but during the year we also visit school and nursery - meeting with both staff and pupils. These visits enable us to gain a greater understanding of the school and support us with our decision making process. 


We currently have local authority and co-opted governor vacancies. 


Should you want to talk to us you are more than welcome, please contact school for our details:

Chair - Hannah Karnacz (Co-opted Governor)
Vice Chair -  Jo Boyne (Parent Governor)

Chair of Teaching and Learning & Pupil Support - Carolyn Beaton (Co-opted Governor)

Chair of Resources -  Carolyn Beaton (Co-opted Governor)

Parent Governor - Adam Glass

Co-opted Governor - Vacancy

Co-opted Governor - Adi Jones

Associate Governor -  Gabby Hollingshead

Local Authority Governor -  Vacancy
Staff Governor -  Matthew Popple



APPOINTED: January 2018 and re-elected July 2022

TERM OF OFFICE July 2022 TO July 2026

Register of Interests: None 


I have recently taken on the role of Chair of Governors after being a member of the governing body for four years. I am also on the Teaching and Learning and Pupil Support sub-committee as well as being the SEND Governor.


I have 2 daughters that attend Westroyd Primary School and Nursery.  I have worked in the NHS as a Paediatric Speech and Language Therapist for the past 11 years and specialise in working in mainstream schools and pupil referral units. Through my job, I have worked in a variety of schools in London and Bradford and have extensive knowledge of working within educational settings. 


I am experienced at liaising with parents, teaching staff and health professionals.  I have extensive experience of working with children with special educational needs as well as having knowledge about safeguarding children.  These are all skills that I can apply in my role as a Governor.



(Chair Of Resources & Teaching and Learning/Pupil Support Committees)

APPOINTED: 01/04/2021

TERM OF OFFICE   01/05 /2021 TO 01/05/2025

Register of Interests: None


It is a pleasure to be a Governor at the school, supporting and leading both the Teaching and Learning & Pupil Support and Resources Committees.


My background is 32 years in Primary Education, before taking early retirement and moving back to Yorkshire to be closer to family in October 2020. To me teaching is the best job in the world and I hope to bring any experiences and knowledge I have to support the children, staff, parents and wider community in getting the very best from what Westroyd has to offer. I am also a Mum of two grown up children and fully understand the journey through primary education and beyond; the joys and the challenges.




APPOINTED: 01/05/2022

TERM OF OFFICE   01/05/2022 TO 01/05/2026

Register of Interests: None


I joined Westroyd’s governing body in May 2022 as a parent governor. I have one daughter who loves being part of the school.


My background is in dentistry and I have been a dental surgeon for 25 years. Through my career I’ve had a great deal of experience of working with children, plus my career also gives me a knowledge about safeguarding and confidentiality in practice. In addition to this, my partner is a primary school teacher, and this has also given me a great insight into primary education. 


I am currently Vice-Chair, Safeguarding Governor and part of both the Teaching and Learning / Pupil Support and Resources Committees. As a governor, I look forward to carrying out the role that is expected of me, to monitor, support and challenge, and to ensure that Westroyd and everybody within it are reaching their full potential.



APPOINTED: 01/04/2023

TERM OF OFFICE   01/04/2023 TO 01/04/2027

Register of Interests: None


My family and I have lived in Farsley for nearly a decade and we love the strong sense of community and family that exists in the village. I am a father to 3 young children, and as a parent governor I am committed to ensuring Westroyd is a strong and thriving part of their lives, and across our community.


I have worked in the NHS for more than 10 years, with a highly varied career in a range of organisations, but I am always drawn back into envisioning, leading and managing change and improvement. I am glad to be able to add these skills and experiences to the team of governors at Westroyd



APPOINTED: 28/11/2023

TERM OF OFFICE   28/11/2023 TO 27/11/2027

Register of Interests: None


I have lived in the village for 32 years, married a Farsley lass and we have two lovely boys. The youngest is currently a student at Westroyd Primary.

I advocate a fierce pride in Farsley's history, heritage and it's constant understanding of village.


As a parent governor, I look to be a bulwark for the school and to promote this common treasury for pupils currently and for those yet to come.


I have no professional employment background. I'm a self employed chalkboard artist and just a dad.


See you in the playground.



APPOINTED: 19/09/2023

TERM OF OFFICE   19/09/2023 TO 18/09/2027

Register of Interests: None



I have been at Westroyd since 2012 and it is a very special place. During this time I have had many roles predominantly teaching in the Early Years which is my passion. I now have the role of Designated Safeguarding Lead and Assistant Headteacher. I have led on school development priorities over the years and I have loved being a part of working together to continuously move the school forward. 


During my time at Westroyd I have gained an excellent understanding of the children and families that are part of our amazing Westroyd community. I have seen and been a part of many changes over the years and therefore I am heavily invested in ensuring the success of the school and its pupils. 
