Ground Rules
At Farsley Westroyd, Ground rules are essential when discussing sensitive subject matters. Each class has a Ground Rules poster that is displayed in the classroom. These are discussed at the start of every PSHE lesson. Pupils were consulted on these ground rules. Staff will establish clear parameters about what is appropriate and inappropriate in a whole class setting by for example:
- staff will set the tone by speaking in a matter-of-fact way
- pupils will be encouraged to write down questions, anonymously if desired, and post them in a question box or ask-it basket
- staff will have time to prepare answers to all questions before the next session, and will choose not to respond in a whole class setting to any questions that are inappropriate or need one-to-one follow up
- if a verbal question is too personal, staff will remind the pupils of the ground rules
- if a question is too explicit, feels too old for a pupil, is inappropriate for the whole class, or raises concerns, staff will acknowledge it and promise to attend to it later on an individual basis
- staff will not provide more information than is appropriate to the age/developmental level of the pupil
- if staff are concerned that a pupil is at risk of abuse, the designated teacher will be informed and the usual child protection procedures followed