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Medical Information



If your child is unwell, please do not send them into school or nursery and contact us by telephone before 9am.  

Early Years Office Telephone:  0113 257 4178

School Office Telephone:  0113 255 1601


It is a legal requirement and a key priority of our safeguarding policy and procedures that we keep records of attendance for all pupils. 
If your child has an infection your doctor will advise when it is safe to return to school. In the case of continued sickness and or diarrhoea,  we ask that you keep your child at home for at least 48 hours after their last bout of symptoms, to ensure full recovery before mixing with other children at school. This follows Health Protection Agency guidelines.


In the case of illness or severe injury whilst at school parents will be contacted by telephone.  We use medi-tracker to report all injuries to you by email

Please insure that the school has up to date telephone numbers for such emergencies on Arbor. It is the parents responsibility to keep this information up to date.


If your child needs medication during the school day, for example antibiotics that must be taken four times a day, we can do this for you. You must a form for us to do this at the school office.    We are only able to antibiotics medication that is prescribed to the child. Children should not bring in medication for personal use such as cough sweets, lip salves or creams. We can only give pain relief if you have signed a form and provided a specific time that we need to provide it. We can not do when needed. The administration of any medication is down to the discretion of the Headteacher.


If your child has a particular problem which requires regular medication or specialist help, please make an appointment to discuss this with the Headteacher.


Children who need inhalers will need to keep one at School/Nursery and take them when required. Children should be trained to use their own asthma medication. All inhalers must be clearly labelled with the child's name. If your child does require an inhaler at School/Nursery, please call into the School or Early Years office to complete the required paperwork.
