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Farsley Westroyd Primary School & Nursery

Bringing learning alive at Farsley Westroyd!

Why was there a Roman Soldier walking down Farsley Town street on Wednesday afternoon?

At Farsley Westroyd we do enjoy our learning and this week we were lucky enough to have a real life Roman Soldier visit our eager learners in Year Three. Children are currently learning how to use different sources of evidence to learn about the key events and features of life in the Roman Times. Did you know that it was the Romans that actually created central heating?  Miss Martin is now trying to talk all the staff into a visit to the Roman Baths in Harrogate for a spa day! 

Our soldier became quite a talking point on Farsley Facebook that evening, after he was spotted strolling home down Town Street in full Roman Soldier military attire! 

Miss Harps has settled back into life at Farsley Westroyd.  It is great to have her calm, sensible approach to life back in school. Which balances out the mischievous antics of Mr Clough and Mr Popple in our staff meetings and in the staffroom over the lunch hour! It is always hard coming back to work after maternity, but her positive attitude shines through in the true Westroyd way.

Last week we had another visit from our West Yorkshire Maths Consultant, Paul. We recently introduced an additional Maths teaching program called Mastery Maths into Reception, Year One and Year Two. Like our phonic scheme, this is an evidence-based, prescriptive daily Maths lesson, that specifically focusses on children developing strong foundational number knowledge. The way the sessions are taught ensures that pupils have plenty of opportunity to embed that knowledge into their long-term memories, so that once they come across more challenging maths such as reasoning, their strong knowledge base around numbers is incredibly helpful. Teachers have been to see the teaching in action in other settings and Paul was just making sure we were getting it right! Which, of course, we are! Well done Mr Popple for driving this initiative.

Finally, like a lot of our school community, Rosie the dog made a strong statement the other day at the end of her visit. When her Mum, Carolyn, tried to put her lead on, she dodged and dodged the process before getting into her dog bed and completely refusing to go home! She does look mighty cute though! And very cheeky! We may need to remind her of our school rules next time. At Westroyd we follow instructions the first time!