Personal, Social, Health and Economics Education (PSHE)
Relationships and Sex Education (RSE)
At Farsley Westroyd we understand that we have a responsibility to help children and young people meet the challenges of life by helping them to understand and value themselves, be optimistic about the future and life’s possibilities, and to develop positive self-esteem and confidence. We also want to provide children with the knowledge and skills to take increasing control of, and responsibility, for their lives and play an active part in their own communities. We want to help children to overcome the social pressures they face and the barriers they present to learning and achievement.
Westroyd takes its responsibility to provide relevant, effective and responsible RSE to all of its pupils as part of the school’s personal, social, health education (PSHE) curriculum very seriously. The school wants parents/carers and pupils to feel assured that RSE will be delivered at a level appropriate to both the age and development of pupils, and safe to voice opinions and concerns relating to the RSE provision.
At Westroyd we deliver high quality RSE that helps to create a safe school community in which our pupils can grow, learn and develop positive, healthy behaviour for life. We want children to be prepared for the physical and emotional changes they undergo at puberty and help them understand and learn about relationships.