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School Dinners

We have our own kitchen within School which is currently run by Leeds City Council's School Meal Service. They employ a dedicated team who ensure that all children in Westroyd get a well balanced meal at lunchtime.


Nursery children need to order and purchase a school meal or must bring a packed lunch from home This is eaten in the community room in the Early Years Building. Reception children also eat their lunch in the community room in the Early Years Building. The dinners are prepared in the main kitchen at school and transported by Leeds Catering to  Early Years. Lunch times are staggered for nursery and reception children.


All children from Reception to Year 2 are entitled to a free school dinner. Dinners are cooked on the premises and comply with the nutritional guidelines for healthy School meals. Children have a choice of meal and a vegetarian and halal option is always available. Children select their meal on a morning and wear a wristband to indicate their choice which they then show to the dinner staff.


Alternatively children may bring a packed lunch which should be sent in a named lunchbox. Pleas ensure that your child is able to eat their lunch independently as the dinner supervisory assistants are unable to help with every child. Water is available for all children at lunchtimes.


In line with our healthy eating policy please remember:

* No fizzy drinks.

* Drinks must be sent in cartons or a container which does not leak. (No Glass bottles) Ideally this should only be water to protect the children's teeth

* No sweets or chocolate please.


We do encourage every child to have at least one piece of fruit or vegetable at lunchtime.



For children who wish to take a school meal, they are offered a choice of main courses and puddings, including salads and fresh seasonal fruit and vegetables. Each child can choose from a selection of 2 meals at the beginning of the day. We have a meat dish (red option) and a vegetarian dish (green option) and a Halal option (Blue) There is always a a salad option and sandwich of the day.  

The current cost of a school meal is £2.75 for children in  years 3 to 6 and in Nursery.


Children select their meals at home through our Arbor app using the menu supplied on our website. Payments are made on Arbor and need to be paid promptly.

Should you have any queries, then please contact the school office


We offer traditional menus but we do have occasional Special Theme Day lunches throughout the school year. Menus are on a 3 week rotation and change termly.


Please note lunch menus may vary in exceptional circumstances.


How to pay for school dinners

School dinners must be paid for in advance. Payment is to be made online via Arbor. If a debt is accumulated because dinners are not paid in advance, the parents must provide the child with a packed lunch until the debt is cleared. Please note that Westroyd is a cashless school


Free Schools Meals

Free school meals are available to some children according to family income.  It is important to register for your entitlement to free school meals, this is so we can receive additional funding which can be used to help your child. This is called Pupil Premium.


Children are entitled to Free School Meals if their parents or guardians receive any of the following:

  • Income support
  • Income based job seekers allowance
  • Income related employment and support allowance
  • Child Tax Credit, but not Working Tax Credit, and an annual income lower than the limit set by the Government
  • Working Tax Credit Run On because you have ceased work or reduced your working hours to less than 16 per week


To find out if your child qualifies for free school meals or if you require any help or advice then please contact the Leeds Revenues & Benefits Service on 0113 222 4404 or Email
