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Year 3


Welcome to Year 3 


Each week we will be keeping you up to date with a "Wow of the Week" from different children. In addition to this, please read our half termly newsletter to find out what will be happening in Year 3.

To help your child with their spellings, use the list below and use the look, say, cover, write, check method to practice words. To help you support your child with their maths learning, we have detailed the main objectives the maths curriculum covers in Year 3. 



Homework Each Week


The weekly homework expectations are that children will:

  • Read three times per week and record this in their reading diary.
  • Log on to TTR and practice (soundcheck is the most beneficial to prepare your child for the Year 4 government MTC)  
  • Spelling shed games to practice their spellings


PE is on Mondays and Wednesdays for Summer 2.

We select our new books on a Thursday and we swap them and bring them home on a Friday.

This Week's Spellings: (Test on Monday 15th July 2024)


Group 1:












Group 2: 















Long Term Plan and Weekly Timetable


Please see below for Year 3's long term plan and an overview of what we learn each week.

Learning Links


Please find some useful websites to help your child with their learning below: - BBC Bitesize KS2 - TopMarks Maths Games   - Explorify Science Activities



Westroyd Leaner Award


All of Year 3 - For having a fantastic learning attitude this week and showing our Westroyd role model behaviours. 


This weeks weekly attendance WC 02.09.24 is... 



Year 3 Maths Objectives

Year 3 Social Story

Autumn 1 Curriculum Map for Parents

Autumn 2 Curriculum Map



Summer 1 Curriculum Map

Spring 1 - Week 3


This week we were invaded by Year 4 as the Romans and they took prisoners, raided things and told us some new rules!


"I loved that they took prisoners but it wouldn't be nice if it actually happened to us in the Iron Age." - Keyaan.


"It was really bad that they raided everything, we would have had no resources left!" - Seth

Spring 1 Week 2


"We made a timeline of the History we have learned about. We also ordered some Roman main events from BC all the way to AD. Me and Penny got ours stuck up on the working wall!" - Isla, Year 3.

Spring 1 - Week 1


This week we have been writing some fantastic alternative story endings to Orion and the Dark in class. We can't wait to share these with parents soon! The children have also really enjoyed handball with Brad from Leeds Rhinos, with Baqar saying "this was my favourite thing this week!". 

Autumn 2 - Week 6


"I really enjoyed making leaflets all about sun safety in Science. I didn't know there were different types of UV rays!" - Seth


"I am enjoying challenging myself with my TTR booklets and I am getting really good at my 8s!" - Emily 

Autumn 2 - Week 5


"This week we had an awesome trip to York Museum and learned all about the romans. We had to rescue people from Roman times using iPads and had a mission! It was really fun to walk on a real mosaic too." - Jacob

Autumn 2 - Week 4


"This week I have really enjoyed our Art topic! We have been sketching pictures of Stonehenge rom the Stone Age and we have to make it look 3D for our art exhibition." - Keyaan

Autumn 2 - Week 1


"We have looked at pointillism by Georges Seurat and it was really cool looking at the paintings close up and see the dots and then to zoom out and see the whole picture!"

Autumn 1 - Week 8


"This week I enjoyed doing column addition because I found it a quicker and easier way of working out adding big numbers! I also loved writing our skeleton reports in Science and I can't wait to see them hung up in our classroom!" - Lucas

Autumn 1 Week 6


"I really enjoyed the football match at Springbank because I liked playing football with my friends, and we won! Lucas and Felix did a great job scoring goals!"



Autumn 1 - Week 5 


The church was the best thing this week because we got to sing lots of songs to our parents. - Jeremi


Making all the sandwiches was really fun this week in DT because they were tasty. I ate mine on the way home from school and it was delicious! - Felix 





Autumn 1 - Week 4


"Wow" of the week - "We played a Maths game today where we had to score points and win by counting in 50s to get the most points. We had to keep trying to throw the counters on because they were slippy but it was really fun. Some o us got 300 points which is the biggest score we could have!" - Max

Autumn 1 - Week 3


"I've really enjoyed when we learned about commas because got out of breath before we put them in! The sentences are really long and it gives us a gap before we have to say the next word. I liked making the sentences about pizza but I don't like pineapple on a pizza!" - Seth

Autumn 1 - Week 2


"I have really enjoyed Maths this week because we have used big numbers like up to 1000! I really liked using the Maths equipment to make the numbers." - Chloe, Year 3
