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Year 4



Welcome to Year 4


Each week we will be keeping you up to date with a "Wow of the Week" from different children. In addition to this, please read our half termly newsletter to find out what will be happening in Year 4.
To help your child with their spellings, use the list below and use the look, say, cover, write, check method to practice words. To help you support your child with their maths learning, we have detailed the main objectives the maths curriculum covers in Year 4.



PE will be on Wednesdays this half term.



Homework will be set on a Friday and you will be expected to read three times per week and record this in your reading diary. We will also be setting Maths Watch, Times Table Rockstars and Spelling Shed games each week so please log on and do these. We will be checking every Wednesday to make sure children are accessing these items. 



This week's spellings:

















Westroyd Learner Award

Isabelle: Isabelle is someone who always tries her hardest in all subjects. She finds ways to challenge herself in class and is a supportive classmate. She demonstrates a true love for reading and is creative in her writing pieces. Keep up the hard work!


Lara: Lara is a caring friend who always looks out for the people around her. She always finds ways to be helpful in class, including supporting her classmates. She works extremely hard across all subjects and finds ways to challenge herself further. Keep up the great effort!



This weeks weekly attendance WC 15.04.24 is... 




WOW of the week Spring


Spring 2

Week 6 - It was our residential to Herd Farm this week. We had such an amazing time taking part in the big activities like the zipline and high ropes, as well as serving the meals and spending time with our Westroyd family. We had an unforgettable time, but we were glad to get back to our owns beds for some well deserved sleep!


Week 5 - This week, we designed and painted our very own Ancient Egyptian headdresses, drawing on what we have learnt from our history lessons. There were definitely some headdresses fit for a pharaoh!


Week 4- It was British Science week this week. We carried out an experiment to find out how much time a straw plane will fly in the air and if the shape affects its time.


Week 3 - We celebrated World Book Day this week. We had a few familiar faces visit to read us some stories. We shared our love for reading by bringing in our favourite books, discussing about them in our reading bistro and working with our reading buddies.


Week 2 - This week, we have been working really hard on fractions in maths. We have been learning the difference between mixed numbers and improper fractions and how to convert from one to the other.


Week 1 - We have really enjoyed researching more about Ancient Egypt in English this week so that we will be able to write our non-chronological reports on the topic. We also enjoyed our class reward this week - we voted as a class to watch Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone!


Spring 1

Week 5 - In our last week of this half term, we have enjoyed learning how to calculate the perimeter of different shapes, as well as learning how to incorporate canon into our mission impossible themed dances.


Week 4 - This week we have been working really hard on writing our own Egyptian version of Jack and the Beanstalk, applying the skills we have been practicing in class such as using expanded noun phrases and direct speech. We also have enjoyed learning about the importance of the Rosetta Stone in Ancient Egypt and its importance to how historians were able to decode hieroglyphics.


Week 3 - This week in science, we looked at the different states of water. We watched how warm water was able to melt ice cubes and we also observed how water boils in the kettle.


Week 2 - The WOW of this week has to be creating our own book review webpage for Year 4 using Google sites.


Week 1 - We had a brilliant first week back! Our WOW this week was getting to act out Jack and the Beanstalk in groups and also create a story map which tells the fairy tale through the use of images.

WOW of the week Autumn 

15.9.23  - Lara- "I really enjoyed the chocolate tasting. We looked at lots of different of chocolate and I love chocolate!"


22.9.23 - Corey - "I really liked the gymnastics lesson as I liked making the different rolls and shapes in a team."


13.10.23 - Iris - "I loved history this week because I love talking about the Mayans"


27.10.23 - Dhruvi - "Making chocolate was my favourite this week because I love chocolate and making the packaging, because I love arts and crafts."


10.11 - "I am excited to learn more about Hockey in PE."


16.11 Isabelle - "The experiments in science were very fun!"


24.11 Gabriel - "I liked art, I liked learning about the different sculptors."


8.12 "The class trip to learn all about the Romans"

Year 4 Maths Objectives

Year 4 Statutory Spellings
