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Numbots - username and password have been stuck into the back of your child's reading record. 

Friday 1 March

Counting between 20 and 50 - Groups of 10


This half term our main focus will be on exploring numbers between 20 and 50.


Please continue to practice counting in tens and support your child to describe how many tens and ones are in the numbers between 20 and 50:


"The number is 45."

"There are 4 tens in 45."

"There are 5 ones in 45."

"The number has 4 tens and 5 ones. The number is 45."

"I have 4 groups of ten."

"There are 5 more."


It is important that pupils understand that numbers greater than 20 behave in the same way as numbers less than 20.



Friday 9 February


Doubling within 20:


This week the children have been mastering doubling. This is quite a complex process, so it will really help if you can provide some real life examples during the half term break!


Below are some examples of sentences the children have been using to describe doubling:


"I have made one group of 4."


"I add another 4."


"I have doubled 4."


"I have 8 altogether."


"4 doubled is 8."


"When you double you always have 2 groups."


"When you double, the 2 groups must always be equal."


You might be able to think of examples around the home, or while you're out and about. 


"If I have 2 carrots on my plate, how many more should I add to double it?"


"I have collected three leaves. How can I double the number of leaves?"

Friday 2 February


Number bonds to 10 and number bonds to 20:


Look at the ten frames and counters below. What does your child observe?


How can you partition the red and yellow counters to complete the number sentences?







Friday 26 January


Representing 20 in different ways:









Friday 19 January


Counting within twenty


This week we have been looking at numbers between ten and twenty, represented in different ways. 


Please discuss the following pictures with your child.


What number is this?

How many tens? How many ones?












Friday 12 January


Recognise and name 3D shapes


This week we have been learning about 3D shapes. Please spend some time looking at and naming 3D shapes, and encourage your child to notice 3D shapes in the world around them.


Friday 15th December


Subtract by crossing out


This week we have started to learn about subtraction. We started by using objects to takeaway the correct number and then extended this to crossing out to represent the value that had been crossed out. 


At home create a list of subtraction calculations using numbers up to 10. Ask the children to calculate the answer by drawing the first number, cross out the second number and the answer is how many you have left. 

Friday 8th December 


Instead of maths homework this week I would like you to do some history homework. We have been thinking about what toys are like today and we have started to find out about toys in the past. 


I would like the children to find out about their parents and grandparents favourite toys and what they were made from. If they could draw a picture and bring it to school, we can talk to the class about it and then add it to our display. 


If you have any old photographs or actual toys we would look at too that would be amazing.




Friday 1st December

Addition problem solving


  • Make a set of digit cards 0-9
  • Complete the challenge below
  • How many different addition calculation can you make?


Friday 24th November 

Number bonds within 10


We have been thinking about systematic ways to find number bonds. We looked at starting with a number + 0 and the changing each number by 1 each time to ensure we don't miss any bonds. 


Challenge - pick a number and put it in the middle of the kite - Can you add the number bonds on the ribbon under the kite which total the number on the kite?

Number Bond Kites 

Friday 17th November 


For the past couple of weeks we have been learning about part whole model. We can split the whole into parts and combine the parts to make the whole. 


At home either draw a part whole model or make one with plates. Using objects or digits practice partitioning the whole to make the parts the combine the part to make the whole. 


How many different ways can you think of to partition the same number? write down the different ways. 


I have also attached some challenge sheets that some children started to complete in school for you to complete and or discuss. 


Friday 27th October


This week in maths we have been looking at number tracks and number lines, filling in the missing numbers. The children were very good at this but we had a few problems writing number the correct way around, particularly 3, 5, 7 and 9. 


Over the holiday I would like you to go on a number hunt, inside and outside. Take a pad/paper and pencil with you and write down all of the numbers that you see. They could be door numbers, on clocks, on busses, number plates any where. When you write them double check that the number are the same way or ask a grown up to check. 


Friday 20th October

This week we have been continuing to compare numbers using symbols. 


You will need 

  • 1 pack of playing cards
  • home made < = > symbols


  1. Pick 2 cards
  2. compare the numbers using the symbols
  3. read the number sentences using 
  • less than
  • equals to
  • greater than


You could extend the learning by putting 1 card down and the symbol and ask your child which other numbers could we use, thinking about if there is more than one answer. 




Friday 13th October 


This week in maths we have been continuing to learn about more, same and fewer, then extend this to compare groups and numbers. We developed our language to use less than, greater than and equals then linked this to mathematical symbols instead of writing lots of words < = >.


I would like you to watch the number blocks episode called blockzilla on bbc iplayer.  google search for series 3 or click the link below



Friday 6th October 


This week we have been counting backwards from 10 and finding 1 less. 



1 less than 6 is ___

1 less than 3 is ___

1 less than 9 is ___


We then applied this to missing number problems. 



1 less than ___ is 5

1 less than ___ is 7

1 less than ___ is 2

1 less than ___ is 8

1 less than ___ is 4


You may need to use a number line to help the children visualise what the missing number is. 


0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Friday 29th September


This week we have been counting on from any number to 10.


At home with a dice or (homemade) number cards from 1-10. 

  • Roll the dice/pick a card
  • Ask your child to start from this number and count on to at least 10


Friday 22nd September


This week we have been learning how to read and spell numbers as words. 


Pairs - Memory Game

  • Cut up paper into squares so that you have 22 pieces of paper. 
  • Write the numerals 0-10 
  • Write the numbers in words.
  • Turn all the cards over face down
  • Take turns to pick 2 cards to find a matching pair.
  • Can you find the numeral and word to match?