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Parent Feedback


At Westroyd we value the importance of home and school working together to support a child's learning. In order to support those links, the following opportunities are organised throughout the academic year:

  • Walk the Walls (end of every half-term)
  • Curriculum Information Evenings at the start of every half-term
  • Class Sharing Assemblies
  • Half-termly Recognition Assemblies
  • Parents Consultation Evenings
  • Half-termly Parents Forum

In addition to this we always value feedback and suggestions from parents and carers.  This section of our website shares feedback from questionnaires, surveys or general parent comments or queries received through our office email or feedback from newsletters.  We welcome comments and suggestions from parents and are always open to new ideas.





Autumn 1 Open Session 

At the end of the half term, we invited parents and carers into school to look through the children's books and have a look at some of our highlights.  It was so lovely to see so many of you attend the session. 

Parent Questionnaire July 2022
