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Year 2


Welcome to Year 2


Each week we will be keeping you up to date with a "Wow of the Week" from different children. In addition to this, please read our half termly newsletter to find out what will be happening in Year 2.
To help your child with their spellings, use the list below and use the look, say, cover, write, check method to practice words. To help you support your child with their reading, writing and maths learning, we have detailed the main objectives we cover in Year 2.



PE - Monday and Friday.

Please come to school in your PE kit. 


Books - Change books on Wednesday. 

Please make sure you have been reading at home at least three times a week. 


Spellings - New spellings will be set on this page every Friday. Scroll down and click on the star to see them. They will also be sent home in your child's spelling books. These spellings will link to the activity set on Spelling Shed. Spellings will be tested the following Thursday. 


Weekly Attendance WC 15.04.24 is...


Summer 1

Week 1


Alfie - This week we had to solve a crime! Mrs Pashley told us that some iPads had been taken from the Year 6 Classroom. We looked at the CCTV and had to work out who it was. We had three suspects and wrote down some questions for us to ask them. We then became detectives and interviewed each one.


Ethan Th - We've set up a science investigation where we're going to find out what plants need to grow. 


Carver - Art was interesting this week because we looked at different artists who used shells in their artwork. My favourite artist was Courtney Mattinson.


Scarlett - We've been learning about fractions in maths. We know how to find a half and a quarter.


Frankie - We've had some new interesting spellings this week. We looked at words where 'ey' makes an /ee/ sound. I didn't know how to spell 'kidney' before but now I do! 


Lewis - In PSHE we looked at different expressions and labelled their emotions.


Ethan Th - In geography we looked at different seaside resorts that were near us. We found them on a map and then researched them in our groups. 


Jaxon - In DT we used paper and cellotape to find the best way to make a stable structure. We looked at the different shapes we could make and investigated the stability of each one.


Alfie - I liked being in my phonics group. We learnt 'ee' and 'nk'.



Spring 2 

Week 6 


Zoe - " I really enjoyed painting our Dragon Eyes and I liked that my scales looked exactly how I wanted them to."


Ellie - "We finished making our castles. I can't believe we made them with real drawbridges."


Scarlett - "We completed lots of missing number problems in maths this week."


Carver - "I enjoyed the toy afternoon that we got because of our Sheep Point prize.




Week 5 


Alfie - "I liked making our castles and creating a working drawbridge using a pulley system."


Carver - "I enjoyed looking at everyone else's castles. They were amazing!"


Daniel - "In science we learnt about Recycling. We learnt about the different bins and what they're for. We also learnt how plastic bottles can be made into plastic bags!"


Frankie - "In science we learnt about John McAdam. He created Tarmac! It used to be called McAdamisation. Then they added tar and it became Tarmacadam but we know it as Tarmac now."


Ethan - "I liked making my castle."



Week 4

Henry - "I liked art because I made my own dragon out of clay. We used different clay tools."


Scarlett - "I enjoyed our maths tests this week because there were some tricky questions but I worked hard to get them right."


Carver - "I really enjoyed looking at all the different dragon eyes that everyone made. It was cool how different they were."


Daniel - "In PSHE we talked about 'How big is my problem'. We looked at different situations and talked about how big the actual problem was. We ranked them out of 5. We talked about how the size of our reactions should match the size of our problem."


Alfie - "Science was fun because we looked at different materials and investigated if we could bend, stretch, squish, twist the different objects. We talked about how we could change the shape of solid objects."


Zoe - "I enjoyed PE because we learnt how to kick the ball using the inside of our feet." 


In maths this week, we learnt about capacity and volume. We now know how to measure in ML! 

Week 3 

We had a VERY exciting week this week! A visit from a knight, draw bridges, dragon eyes and World Book Day.


Alfie - "I liked experimenting with different tools on the clay to see what we'd like to use when we create our dragon eyes next week."


Zosia - "I liked World Book Day because we worse our PJs and I was comfy. We read lots of different books." 


Frankie - "World Book Day really inspired me to read lots of different books."


Carver - "I liked it when Year 3 came in to share some books with us." 


Scarlett - "I liked our maths this week when we measured different weights." 


Ellie - "I really enjoyed creating our dragon pictures and writing a poem about them in English." 


Hudson - "I had fun making the draw bridge because it was a really complex thing to do but I was proud that I did it."

Week 2 


Zoe - "I enjoyed writing our non-chronological report about the jobs in a castle. It was fun adding the pictures to our published piece. 


Ellie - "I enjoyed maths this week because we got to do lots of measuring inside and outside of the classroom."


Olivia & Sophia - "I loved art because it was fun drawing and sketching a dragon eye."


Henry - "PE was fun when we learnt to defend. We had to defend out base with our partner from the other children."


Carver & Lewis - "We liked reading the 'Tell Me a Dragon' book to help us with ideas for our dragon eyes in art." 



Week 1


Zoe - "I enjoyed maths and learning my times tables. We have learnt 2s, 5s and 10s and now we're really quick at them."


Hudson - "I really enjoyed learning about clay and sculptures in art because it was really fun."


Henry - "I liked looking at Anthony Gormley's sculptures in art. Some of them were really strange like the bed made out of bread."


Scarlett - "I've enjoyed our spellings this week because they were tricky words and I like the challenge."


Frankie "- I liked writing our first paragraph for our castle non-chronological report. I wrote about a knight and what their jobs were."


Sophia - "I enjoyed throwing and catching in PE because we were in partners and one of us had a bat and we had to hit the ball."





Spring 1 

Week 5


Zosia - "I liked finishing our Tibetan Prayer Flags. We used different stamps and black paint to make them look like the real thing."


Zoe - "We had so much fun writing our non-chronological reports about Galapagos animals! We made sure we used our subordinating conjunctions and published them on special paper."


Scarlett - "I enjoyed our spellings this week. Miss Martin taught us a rhyme to help us remember how to spell 'because'."


Carver - "We earnt 60 sheep points this week so we got to have a non-uniform day on Friday!"


Daniel - "Maths has been fun because we've been learning lots of new times tables and I found them easy."


Frankie - "I liked PSHE because I'm learning more about medicine and why we shouldn't take it if it's not ours."


Week 4


Scarlett - "We've been making our prayer flags this week in DT."


Zosia - "I liked doing the running stitch. I also really liked science because we looked at bugs outside in their Microhabitat." 


Daniel - "We've been learning about Neil Armstrong. He was the first person to walk on the moon. In maths we've been learning our 2 times table, halving, doubling, multiplying and dividing. It's been a busy week!"


Olivia - "I really enjoyed our Year 2 Sharing assembly because lots of parents came." 


Carver - "I liked learning about subordinating conjunctions in English. We had a competition to fill in the missing conjunctions the quickest. My team won!"


Alfie - "In spelling this week we've been learning about adding '-ing' to words ending in 'e'. Drop the 'e' and add the '-ing'."


Week 3

We've had another very busy week! We've started to practice for our Class Assembly for next Friday. We can't wait to show you what we've been learning about. We've written our Traction Man stories and had lots of fun creating our own characters. We especially liked making the bad guys such as Dr Scissors and Evil Stapler. We learnt all about another explorer called Felicity Aston in history. RE was really interesting as we learnt about how different people pray. We started our new DT project this week. We are creating our very own prayer flags just like the ones you see in Tibet at the bottom of Mt Everest. We started by practising the running stitch. Miss Martin couldn't believe how good we were at this! She said we all need to sign up for the next series of The Great British Sewing Bee. It is filmed in Farsley after all so who knows... 

Week 2

Daniel -"I enjoyed learning about Matthew Henson. HE was the first person to put the flag on the North Pole."


Carver - "I had fun in PE creating our own dance about the book "Penguin Small". I also liked learning about the different ways we can use apostrophes in English."


Scarlett - "I liked learning about our new booking in reading called "Greta and the Giants" where we asked our own questions about the book."


Hudson - "We learnt about Sir Edmund Hillary. I can't believe how tall Mr. Everest is!". 


Olivia - "I liked learning the road safety song in PSHE. It was very catchy and helped us to create our road safety posters."


We have also started our new topic in maths - Multiplication and Division - We have started by learning how to recognise equal groups and making equal groups using our counters. 

Week 1 

What an exciting first week back! We had an arrival of a new pupil.. TRACTION MAN! He has come into our class to show us his story. We can't wait to see the adventures he takes us on. 


Zosia - "It was fun when Traction Man taught us some Kung-Fu  punctuation to help us with learning our commas in a list." 


Frankie - "In English I liked learning about Traction Man and reading his story. My favourite part is when he wears his green suit because he looks funny. It's really odd to see someone in clothes like that."


Hudson - "I have enjoyed learning about money. I liked adding together pounds and pence."


Carver - "I liked doing the food chains in science and learning that we are called predators and grass and plants are producers."


Ethan T - "I liked pretending to be a penguin in our PE dance lesson."


Scarlett - "I liked handwriting where we have been practising the size of our capital letters and making sure they face the right way."



Kung-Fu Punctuation with Traction Man

Autumn 2

Week 7


Well what a busy week we've had! We started the week with DSide Dave coming in to speak to us about internet safety! We then had our Christmas Party which was so much fun. We started our new maths topic of money and we enjoyed being able to look at the coins and work out how much they are worth and what they are altogether. We had carols in the hall and finished the week making Christmas cards, watching a Christmas Pantomime and Santa paid us a visit and gave us a brand new book for the class! We can't wait to read it. We hope you all have a lovely Christmas and we will see you in the new year! 

Week 6


"We won our pyjama day because we collected 90 sheep!" Olivia

We had a fashion show to show our fabulous PJs to the rest of the class! Check out our model poses in the photos below.


"I enjoyed science and learning about what different animals eat. There are omnivores, carnivores and herbivores." Carver


"We did our Christmas performance on Tuesday and Wednesday. We had butterflies in our tummy but it was fun." Sophia


"I liked when we saw Nursery and Receptions performance. They did a really good show." Zosia


"In PSHE we learnt about hazards and how to be safe at home." Ellie 



Week 5 


"I liked doing the art for the art gallery because we used different shapes and create a beautiful background." Zoe


"We used command sentences and imperative verbs to write instructions on washing our hands." Scarlett


"We planned our instructions on how we made our reindeer decorations." Zoshia


"I liked our spelling lesson where we found the syllables. My favourite word was Gerbil." Carver


"I liked maths and looking at the different 3D shapes." Sophie


"Edges, verticies and faces." Mia


"We sold our reindeer decorations and art pictures at the Christmas Fair." Daniel

Week 4



"Bullet points!"


"Time adverbs!"

"Imperative verbs!"

Week 3

This week we have been increase our speed with Typing club. Don't forget you can login at home as well!

"I beat my speed!" Sophie

"I used both hands like it said to. I used my thumb to help with the space bar." Ollie

Autumn 2

Week 2

Everyone has now been given their parts and costume slips for our Christmas performance, "Hey Ewe!"

"I can't wait to sing!" Daniel

"I really love my wings. Can I wear them now?" Lewis

"I'm so excited to be the sheep and have a solo." Zoe

Autumn 2

Week 1

"The white poppy is for peace." Scarlett

"The purple poppy is for the animals that died." Daniel

Autumn 1

Week 8

We have been learning to ride our bikes!

Autumn 1

Week 7

I did it! I'm on! Hudson

I logged on independently. Mia

Autumn 1

Week 6

"The Arctic ocean has to be at the top because that's where the Arctic is." Ethan T

"The Indian Ocean is the warmest ocean." Frankie

"The Pacific Ocean is the deepest ocean." Daniel

Autumn 1 

Week 5

This week we got into role and became the penguin in the story, "Lost and Found." We completed a hot seating activity to infer how the characters would be feeling. 

"I'm so worried. I have ended up here and I don't know where to go. Will you help me?" Scarlett

Autumn 1

Week 4

"We got to write our own story!" Carver

"In art, we were making tints using white." Mia

"We were throwing and hitting balls in PE with Rhinos." Lewis

Autumn 1

Week 3

"Asia is the biggest continent!" Ellie

"Antarctica is the coldest continent!" Sophie 

Autumn 1

Week 2


Whilst reading The True Story of The Three Little Pigs in whole class reading lessons, "Nooo! You can't leave it there!!! I need to know what's going to happen next!" Daniel

Autumn 1

Week 1

"Look, I'm going to make 78! I need 7 tens and 8 ones. This number is huge!"
